COLUMBUS, Ohio — Amplify Dispensary used to function as a medical marijuana dispensary only. Now it serves as a dual use dispensary selling for both medical and recreational customers.

What You Need To Know

  • It has been almost one week since the sale of recreational marijuana for adults aged 21+  began across the state 

  • Amplify Dispensary used to function as a medical marijuana dispensary but not is a dual-use dispensary selling both medical and recreatinonal marijuana

  • Amplify Dispensary still prioritizes their medical marijuana patients by letting them skip the line and give them priority when supply is low 

Last Tuesday was the first day of legal recreational marijuana sales for adults aged 21 and older. Dispensaries across the state saw more customers than usual. Amplify Dispensary was no different.

Employees said they saw more customers during the first week of recreational sales than they usually do all year round. One of the concerns about dual-use dispensaries is the prioritization of medical marijuana users. General Manager of Amplify Dispensary, Alissa Baker, said her dispensary still puts their medical marijuana patients first. 

“I think all patients are a bit nervous to see how a dispensary would function. But we have made sure that patients get priority access to not only the store in their purchases, but also the menu. And there's certain priority items on the menu for them. If we get low on certain items, we will have those for the patients to be able to access those first,” said Baker.   

According to employees at Amplify Dispensary, now that the first week of sales is complete, business is beginning to slow back down again but it still remains constant. If you want to find a licensed dual-use dispensary near you, visit

Correction: A previous version of this article should have said Amplify Dispensary was based in Columbus. This has been corrected.