COLUMBUS, Ohio — Boards of election across Ohio are already preparing themselves for what could be a historic vote. 

What You Need To Know

  • Citizens can register to vote or update your registration until Oct. 7

  • Early voting goes from Oct. 8 through Oct. 29

  • Election Day is Nov. 5

As campaigns continue to unfold, the most important thing to do right now is to check voter registrations.

For those who have recently moved or changed their name, the information needs to be updated with the Secretary of State's Office. By updating this information, voters will know the correct place to cast their ballots on Election Day and avoid the need of a provisional ballot. 

If updating an address online, the vote can still occur normally, even if it does not match the address of the driver's license or I.D., as long as the chosen identification is valid.

While the last day to register isn’t until Oct. 7, boards of elections have already geared up for voting season. Petition and filing departments are currently hard at work while candidates, levies and initiatives continue to be added to the ballot.

Absentee teams are getting themselves ready for early voting and poll worker recruitment will start this month. The Franklin County Board of Elections said that while turnout may be higher, they will follow their administrative handbook to ensure voting goes off without a hitch. 

“We're here as bipartisan teams preparing to run a countywide election in a county that has roughly 876,000 registered voters in the county,” said Aaron Sellers, who is with the Franklin County Board of Elections. “We're election administrators. We run free, fair and open elections and that's what we're going to do again on Nov. 5.”

Franklin County hopes to recruit and train upwards of 5,000 poll workers to work at their more than 300 locations. Counties of similar size, across the state, are looking to do the same. Early voting starts on Oct. 8 and runs through Oct. 29.

Check your registration or register to vote by visiting the Secretary of State’s website.