COLUMBUS, Ohio — ECDI is a microlender that helps small business owners across the state expand their businesses. 

One particular business owner said they have benefited so much from their services.

What You Need To Know

  • The CEO and founder of Dos Hermanos food truck has been using ECDI's services for 12 years

  • ECDI has distributed $180 million in loans to small businesses over the past 20 years and is hosting the Great Lakes Lenders Conference

  • Spectrum is a sponsor of the Great Lakes Lenders Conference and it will be in Columbus Aug. 6-8 

Small businesses are gathering at the Great Lakes Lenders Conference this week in Columbus in hopes of having the same luck one local business said.

Lisa Gutierrez, the founder and CEO of Dos Hermanos food truck, said her business expansion success started with a casual meeting. 

“So ECDI actually found us on the side of the road. We started with one single food truck and they found us through their community outreach program,” said Gutierrez. 

Her partnership with ECDI has been a long 12-year journey. But what started as a food truck is now three storefront locations and five food trucks.

She said Dos Hermanos would not be what it is today without ECDI.

“I don't think we would be here today without ECDI for many different reasons, but really it's just incubating us sticking with us, growing with us, sharing ideas together. It is a one stop shop for the entrepreneur,” said Gutierrez. 

Gutierrez attends the Great Lakes Lenders Conference every year and is excited to have it here in Columbus this year. Microlending provides small business loans for owners who may not be able to qualify for traditional financing. ECDI has distributed $180 million in loans to small businesses over the past 20 years.

Kat Juarez, catering sales manager for the business, was working the Dos Hermanos booth at the lenders conference and has been with company for three years. She said she has seen firsthand the impact of ECDI. 

“Lisa being a part of the Dublin Chamber of Commerce, growing, being able to have ECDI supporting her on every step of her path that she's that she's going toward right now, opening Easton in 2022, possibly opening new restaurants here in the future. And knowing that we have the support of a great of a great lending business on our side,” said Juarez. 

Lisa Gutierrez is one of ECDI’s success stories. But before Gutierrez began working with them, Dos Hermanos wasn’t doing well. 

“We were not bankable. I mean, things happened in life. And for me to walk into a traditional bank and sector capital, especially as a new start up restaurant business, that really didn't seem like it was possible,” said Gutierrez. 

But now that has changed, and she suggests any entrepreneur to use their services. The Great Lakes Lenders conference will be in Columbus until Thursday for small business owners to indulge.