SHAKER HEIGHTS, Ohio — Trey McNutt, a rising senior at Shaker Heights High School, is an Ohio high school football star. He was set to make his college decision Friday evening but has pushed it back another week until Aug. 3.

What You Need To Know

  • Trey McNutt is one of the top football players in the country

  • He helped change Ohio's 7 on 7 rules

  • He says he didn't do it for him, but for other players

He’s a top ranked safety in the country, and McNutt said he always saw this happening for him.

“I’ve always had dreams to be a top athlete, a number one safety,” McNutt said.

He's also known for what he’s done off the field. He advocated for the Ohio High School Athletic Association to change their 7 on 7 rules.

“Limiting players being able to go get views and just go play and practice and all that,” McNutt said.

Alex Nicholson, McNutt’s coach, said he spoke with McNutt about speaking about this topic.

“I’m proud of you," he said. "If you want to take that step out into the spotlight, go for it. Just understand what comes next."

The OHSAA has now amended the rule, which will allow more Ohio football players to participate in more 7 on 7 games, which McNutt said he didn’t do for himself.

“I didn’t do it for me," he said. "I did it for everybody else. I just did it for the generations after me."