CLEVELAND — Cleveland Browns football legend, Bernie Kosar, announced that he has Parkinson’s disease and needs a liver transplant. Kosar played for the Browns from 1985 to 1996 and was born in Youngstown, Ohio.

What You Need To Know

  • Bernie Kosar announced he has Parkinson's Disease and needs a liver transplant

  • His health declined around the Super Bowl, but one of his doctors said he's doing better 

  • The liver transplant would make him feel stronger and live longer

Dr. Anthony Post from University Hospitals and one of Kosar’s doctors said he first saw Kosar several months ago and that his condition worsened around the Super Bowl.

“We went ahead and got a liver transplant evaluation started for him,” he said.

Post said that Kosar’s Parkinson’s disease is mild as of now, and that at this time does not interfere with Kosar getting a new liver.

“His medical condition should not preclude him from having a transplant. A, that he was strong enough to survive the surgery, we thought that was very likely and B, that his other medical conditions shouldn’t get significantly worse after his transplant,” he said.

Post said that Kosar has been feeling better, but he’s still sick enough that he thinks he still needs the liver transplant. Post said Kosar’s liver is working at about 50% of what it should be.

“In the long run, looking out 10 years, he would do better with a new liver than the liver that he has right now,” he said.

Post said they are taking Kosar’s condition day by day and that he sees Kosar frequently.