A statement from the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory issued Saturday night indicated a magnitude-4.1 earthquake had occurred on Hawaii Island at 8:47 p.m. HST July 6 nine miles south of Fern Forest at a depth of four miles below sea level.
It was followed by three aftershocks in a similar area within 10 minutes. The earthquake did not seem to impact either Mauna Loa or Kilauea volcanoes, according to the statement.
According to HVO, the sudden motion of Kilauea volcano’s south flank, which moves to the southeast over the oceanic crust, causes most of the earthquakes in the area. The location, depth and recorded waveforms of Saturday night’s earthquake “are consistent with slip along faults related to the south flank detachment fault.”
As of Saturday night, the Volcano Alert Level was Advisory and Aviation Color Code was Yellow.
The USGS Hawaiian Volcano Observatory is continuing to monitor the volcanoes for any changes.