CLEVELAND — Cleveland City Hall has reopened following a cyber attack nearly two weeks ago. City hall reopened Thursday afternoon at noon. One of the many people waiting in line to go through security at city hall was Joe Nunes.

What You Need To Know

  • Cleveland City Hall reopened following a cyber attack nearly two weeks ago 

  • The lines to get through security at city hall were longer than usual

  • City hall has extra assistance available for people waiting in line 

“The long lines I guess are because of the cyber attack,” he said.

Nunes was waiting in line to get a certificate of occupancy from city hall. The lines were longer than they would be on a typical day, but Nunes appreciated the extra help from people who were roaming city hall looking to assist people.

“They have all the people here helping us out and get in lines and direct us where we need to go,” he said.

A city hall representative said their focus right now is on housing assessments, licensees and vital statistics. Gale Robinson was another person who waited in line Thursday afternoon to get her birth certificate so she could start her new job.

“It was the waiting, that was the thing I didn’t expect to have to wait this long,” she said.

Robinson said she hasn’t seen Cleveland City Hall this busy, ever.

City hall offered water to those waiting and had extra hands helping people to hopefully move lines a little faster. They asked for people to be kind and patient with the staff as they work to adapt to new processes.

On Friday, city hall said it will resume normal business hours. It reopened at noon on Thursday.