OHIO — Storms and heavy rains have swept through Ohio over the past couple of months. While it has helped some crops grow, it is causing some issues for strawberry farms across the state. 

What You Need To Know

  • It is officially strawberry season, and farms across the state are offering people the opportunity to pick and enjoy the fruit 

  • The weather this year is having a negative impact on the strawberry crop 

  • Blooms & Berries Farm has lost nearly half of its crop because of the heavy rain and storms 

Blooms & Berries Farm in Loveland has lost almost half of its strawberry crops because of the weather. Many of the damaged ones are squishy and dark.

Still, the farm's owners said that has not stopped business. Visitors are still coming out to pick out the good ones and enjoy all the other festivities that the farm has to offer.

“We've built a model as a business that allows us to be a little diversified and it's the only way that we would survive as farmers now," said Jeff Probst, Blooms and Berries Farm owner. "Because you can't rely on that crop to be 100% every single year."

Despite the loss in strawberry crops, Probst said blueberries and blackberries are doing exceptionally well this year.