OHIO — Summer is right around the corner, which for some may mean taking the boat out on Ohio’s waterways and lakes. 

What You Need To Know

  • The Ohio Department of Natural Resources is urging boaters to remember important safety rules during National Safe Boating Week, which runs from May 18 to May 24

  • U.S. Coast Guard statistics show drowning accounted for three out of every four recreational boating fatalities, in which 85% of the victims weren’t wearing a life jacket

  • ODNR said in Ohio, all 10 boating fatalities last year were due to drowning, and none of the victims had on life jackets

The Ohio Department of Natural Resources is urging boaters to remember important safety rules during National Safe Boating Week, which runs from May 18 to May 24. 

"Whether you're a seasoned boater or new to the water, safety must always be a top priority,” said ODNR Director Mary Mertz in a press release. "By taking simple precautions and brushing up on boating safety skills, we can ensure that every outing on the water remains enjoyable and safe for all."

U.S. Coast Guard statistics show drowning accounted for three out of every four recreational boating fatalities, in which 85% of the victims weren’t wearing a life jacket. 

ODNR said in Ohio, all 10 boating fatalities last year were due to drowning, and none of the victims had on life jackets.

"Today's life jackets offer improved comfort, style, and mobility, making them essential safety gear for all water activities," said Mertz in a press release. "As we anticipate a vibrant boating season in Ohio, now is the time to refresh our knowledge of boating safety to ensure a day of fun stays just that."

ODNR and the National Safe Boating Council recommended these tips for boaters:

  • Always wear a life jacket and ensure everyone onboard does too
  • Participate in a boating safety course for additional knowledge and skills
  • Carry all required safety equipment and inspect it regularly for damage
  • File a float plan detailing trip itinerary and passenger information
  • Stay informed about weather and water conditions before setting out
  • Boat sober and be considerate of others on the water
  • Utilize engine cut-off devices to prevent accidents in case an operator falls overboard
  • Familiarize yourself with boating laws and rules by reviewing the Ohio Boat Operator's Guide