CLEVELAND — The Loudonville High School’s girls’ basketball team made its way to Dayton to fight for a Division IV OHSAA state title. This is their first final four in 32 years.

What You Need To Know

  • The Loudonville High School’s girls’ basketball team made it back to the final four for the first time in 32 years

  • Two sisters play on the team

  • Tyler Bates has been coaching for 11 years and said the long journey to get to this point is rewarding to the entire community

Corri Vermilya is a senior at Loudonville High School.

“I mean, I love basketball. I just love the game and I love the drive and determination it takes. So maybe that’s what you see,” she said.

Vermilya said she’s a different person when she steps on the court. She made her way to Dayton on Wednesday morning, where her Division IV team will play in the final four for the first time in 32 years.

“It’s super exciting, like you said. It’s been a while since we’ve done it,” she said.

Vermilya practiced day and night for this moment, and said she hopes to set an example for her teammate and younger sister.

“It’s really cool to play with Mya on the court. She’s obviously an awesome basketball player, but she’s a great teammate too and so being her sister for all these years, it’s cool to see this side of her on the court,” she said.

Mya couldn’t agree more.

“I think we have a lot of chemistry, obviously, because we live together, and then off the court we just hang out a lot. She’s honestly my best friend outside of school,” she said.

The chemistry between the Vermilya sisters is what coach Tyler Bates is trying to use to his team’s advantage.

“When you’re a competitor, it’s not always fun all the time. I mean, basketball players have to run, lift, study film, and eat healthy,” he said.

Bates has been coaching for 11 years and said the long journey to get to this point is rewarding to the entire community.

“You know, I’m happy to see these kids get the support they deserve because they’ve worked so hard and hopefully there are some young RedBirds out there that can use this as motivation when they can see everything being done this week,” he said.