OHIO — Mating season for Canada geese will soon be in full swing and with the warmer winter, it could start earlier than usual.

What You Need To Know

  • Mating season for Canada Geese is in early Spring

  • Geese are more aggressive when protecting their young

  • Listen to warning signs like hissing to avoid getting attacked

“Canada Geese are my favorite animal of all time. They are just an amazing bird and they are very misunderstood,” said Tim Jasinski, a wildlife rehabilitation specialist at the Lake Erie Nature and Science Center, who specializes in rehabilitating injured waterfowl.

“We had 120 Canada geese come in in 2022,” Jasinski said, referring to injured birds brought in for treatment.

Jasinski said Canada geese are here all year.

“We have local birds that breed here,” Jasinski said. “They don’t really migrate unless the weather gets really bad. Then we have migrators that come from up north in Canada and spend the winter here.”

Canada geese usually mate in the early spring.

“Typically, we would see Canada goslings like May first or second in the past. Every year it gets earlier and earlier,” Jasinski said.

Geese can be more aggressive this time of year, but Jasinski said they have a good reason: protecting their young.

“Canada geese are not mean. They are good parents. That’s a huge difference,” Jasinski said. “They’re just protecting their kids.”

Lindsey Scott is a volunteer for the Lake Erie Nature and Science Center. She agrees that geese get a bad rap.

“The majority of issues that wildlife run into are because of humans,” she said. “Coexisting in today’s world is super important with how much space we’re taking over.”

Jasinski recommended avoiding the birds and paying attention to aggressive behaviors to avoid getting attacked. 

“Typically, people don’t listen to their behaviors,” Jasinski said. “If they are hissing, people still get too close. Then you can potentially get attacked by a goose, although it’s really rare to get attacked.”