OHIO — Teen vaping is on the rise across Ohio, but school districts across the state are using a different approach to try to bring those numbers down. 

What You Need To Know

  • School districts across the state are using vaping detectors to crack down on vaping 

  • The detectors notify administrators via email when they detect THC or nicotine in the air 

  • Some schools also offer programs to help students with their addictions 

Some schools are using Halos that are vaping detectors. They are put in school bathrooms to catch students who are vaping.

When the Halo detects THC or marijuana, it alerts an administrator via email. It has helped school like Northmont High School, near Dayton, deter students from doing vaping school. 

“We were probably getting 15 to 20 a day and now we're, you know, less than a handful since then. And so that's been a good deterrent,” said T.D. Evans, Northmont High School principal.

In addition to the vape detectors, schools are also using educational tools to show students the harm that smoking can do to their bodies.