OHIO — With many people back in the office these days, after working hybrid or remote during the pandemic, traffic is getting worse in many cities.

What You Need To Know

  •  A report by TomTom Traffic Index showed Columbus, Cleveland and Dayton were among Ohio cities with car commutes that increased from 2021 to 2023

  •  Cincinnati was the only city with a decrease in commute time 

  • Riding a bike, walking to work or using public transportation are some ways experts say can cut down on commute times 

Data from TomTom Traffic Index shows Ohio’s major cities, like Columbus, Cleveland and Dayton, have all had an increased amount of traffic on their roads between 2021 and 2023. 

But that is not the case in Cincinnati. The traffic decreased over that same time period. Experts say the best way to decrease the traffic in the other cities is to rely on public transportation.

“The fact that public transit took a big, big hit during COVID really knocked us back when it came to achieving sustainable urban transportation,” said Harvey Miller, a geography professor with The Ohio State University. “And hopefully that trend will reverse.”

Biking, walking or carpooling to work are also other ways experts said people can help cut down the traffic on the roadways.