OHIO — Data from the U.S. Census Bureau shows that numerous states across the country are experiencing more births than deaths. But that’s not the case here in the Buckeye state. 

What You Need To Know

  •  Ohio has had more deaths than births over the last few years

  •  Economic experts believe Ohio's population will continue to decline 

  • Getting creative with recruiting tactics are ways that experts employers can do to help with the workforce gap 

Even after Ohio saw a sharp decrease in the number of deaths over the past year, they still outweighed births by about 2,400 over a 12-month period.

The Ohio Department of Development predicts the state will experience nearly a 6% population loss by 2050. That could make it tough for companies to fill open positions. But experts believe if employers are proactive, they can combat this issue. 

“As more and more companies and organizations are aware of these trends, I think there’s going to be more and more proactive steps taken to really mitigate those potential negative impacts,” said Alison Goebel, Executive Director of Greater Ohio Policy Center.

Economic experts said hiring out of the state and changing recruiting tactics will help employers bridge the workforce gap.