CLEVELAND — Weekly reported COVID-19 cases have been on the rise in Ohio. 

What You Need To Know

  • In Ohio, numbers of COVID-19 cases are on the rise

  • Health officials encourage people to get tested if they feel sick

  • It's also encouraged to get your COVID-19 vaccine or booster 

“The fallacy I think that’s out there is people think that COVID is over,” said Kevin Brennan, communications officer at the Cuyahoga County Board of Health. Brennan encourages people to continue taking precautions, even if the pandemic is declared over.  

About 23 COVID-19 cases were reported to the county each day last month, Brennan said, and there's been a steady uptick in the past few weeks.

“The 31st of July through the first of August, we had 93 cases reported to us in that two-day period,” he said.

Brennan is concerned the numbers will continue to climb once kids are back in school and people move inside once the weather gets colder. Poeple should use the tools learned during the pandemic to stay healthy, he said. 

“The best protection that we can recommend would be to get your COVID booster,” he said.

People also need to get tested if they feel sick.

“It’s protection for yourself to make sure that you’re capturing this illness as early as you can and then taking measures to feel better as quickly as you can,” he said.

Taking precautions would also help protect other people before COVID-19 numbers get out of control, he said.