BEREA, Ohio — The Cleveland Browns kicked off training camp Saturday, but this time at The Greenbrier in West Virginia. That's where they are holding their practices for the first eight days of training camp. This will impact businesses in Berea, where training camp is usually held. Berea Depot, a popular restaurant right down the street from the Browns training facility, will be impacted. Owner, Lynn McLaughlin-Ita, explained what the restaurant will look like this week without training camp.

What You Need To Know

  • Cleveland Browns training camp began in West Virginia

  • This has impacted businesses in Berea, where camp usually is 

  • The Berea Depot has not had the same kind of business they would normally have this time of year 

  • The Browns return to their normal facility for training camp on August 1

“It’s now empty seats and no fans and just kind of depressing,” she said.

She expressed her disappointment with the Browns’ decision.

“I was actually shocked because we get a lot of foot traffic from Browns training camp,” she said.

In years past, the Berea Depot was filled with Browns fans during training camp. McLaughlin-Ita said it was always packed.

“Past years where every seat in the building and the patio has been filled,” she said.

Now, she said that the restaurant will have to wait until August when the team returns to Berea for camp.

“It kind of takes away from the business here, so now we have to wait until August for even just the eight training camps that they are offering,” she said.

The Browns training camp will be back in Berea beginning on August 1.