COLUMBUS, Ohio — On a normal day, you’ll find Steven and Maria Rosenthal walking on a trail.

What You Need To Know

  • Steven and Maria Rosenthal have been married for 46 years 

  • They are in their mid 70s and live in Bexley

  • They walk or go to the gym almost every day and are active in their community garden

  • Water, walking and good shoes are their recipe for staying fit 

They have been married for 46 years and met when they were starting their careers as chemists. Fitness has always been important to the both of them, taking walks around their work buildings at lunch and trying to walk after work when they could. Now they are both retired: Maria, 75-years-old, and Steven, 74-years-old.

“I try to feel 29 all the time, but some days get difficult,” said Maria Rosenthal. 

They’ve both been retired for around a decade. With more time on their hands, they take every chance they get to go outside and get active. While they birdwatch and walk to the library, you’ll usually find them on a trail.

“We can go south or we can go up north on the Alum Creek trail all the way to Wolfe Park or even beyond to Jeffery park,” said Maria Rosenthal. 

They live right next to their favorite trail, which leads to their community garden. Maria is currently growing cherry tomatoes, and Steven is growing a Mexican herb called epazote, which is usually found in refried beans.

“When we fry it, we put the epazote in, then we put the epazote in before we start boiling the beans,” said Steven Rosenthal. 

It’s rare you’ll find Maria without Steven and vice versa. Whether it’s on the trail or in their garden, Maria said you just need three things to stay healthy.

“Try to walk as much as possible at a nice pace, get good shoes because that’s important to be comfortable and water, stay hydrated,” said Maria Rosenthal.