WISCONSIN — With Wisconsin Salt Awareness Week coming up on Jan. 23, officials are warning of the environmental dangers that come with using too much salt throughout the winter.

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources said using more salt than needed can affect lakes, streams and groundwater. Just one teaspoon can make five gallons of water toxic, according to Wisconsin Salt Wide. 

Over time, the DNR measures chloride levels in the state's rivers and recent students have shown a stark increase in those levels. Officials said in the early 2000s, there were about 600,000 tons of chlorides each year, but by 2018, that number jumped to nearly 800,000 tons a year. 

So far, one stream and five lakes in Wisconsin are designated as impaired by high salt concentrations, according to the DNR. While it's due partly to road salting, it's also because of fertilizers and water softeners. 

Too much salt can also cause corrosion of bridges, roads and other infrastructure, causing about $5 billion in damage each year. 

Aside from the environment, the salt can affect pets, too. Road salt can cause irritated paws or other issues if eaten by the pet.

The DNR gave these tips to help reduce salt use:

  • Shovel walkways and other areas before the snow can turn to ice.
  • If using salt, make sure to scatter it so there's space in between the grains. The DNR said a 12-ounce coffee mug is enough salt for at least 10 sidewalk squares or a 20-foot driveway. 
  • If temperatures drop below 15 degrees, salt isn't effective on pavement. Instead, switch to sand for better traction or a different ice melter.