MARQUETTE COUNTY, Wis. — Sue Schroeder said she felt good overlooking the trees on her farm in Marquette County.

The field is full of future Christmas trees to be cut and hauled away in a matter of weeks.

“In general, they look pretty terrific. We’ve had a great growing season,” Schroeder said. “We’ve had enough rain in this part of the state.”

She said this time of year is always the best because of all the interactions she has with families.

“We enjoy meeting with the people,” she said. “We see the happy faces and it is great to know that our tree is at the center of their holiday and Christmas celebration.”

But Schroeder said this year, those celebrations around the Christmas trees will cost families more.

“Everything we touch or do here on the farm is affected by inflation just like everyone else,” she said. “Everything we touch or do here on the farm is affected by inflation just like everyone else,” she said. “Our labor costs are up, our input costs are up, our operating expenses are up — everything we do is costing more money.”

She said those expenses will trickle down to the consumer.

“Nationwide, I think the consumer is going to see somewhat of a price increase,” she said. “In our particular situation, I don’t anticipate it being very large, but there will be a slight increase.”

Schroeder said this year, it’ll be extra important to care for your tree to get more life out of it and more value for your dollar.

While she said she wishes she didn’t have to raise prices, she hopes customers are willing to deal with the extra cost in order to have the full holiday experience.

“Enjoy as many family gatherings as you can around the tree, sing carols, watch movies, play games,” she said. “It’s a wonderful experience.”