CINCINNATI — Pregnancy centers in Ohio are gearing up for an influx of expecting moms because of the Roe v. Wade decision.

What You Need To Know

  • The pregnancy center inside of Old St. Mary's church helps to counsel new moms and provides baby supplies 

  • The center's director says they haven't seen an increase in numbers just yet, but they're expecting more pregnant women to turn to them for help

  • So far the director says they've helped provide pregnancy tests, counseling services, and supplies to thousands of women in the two decades they've been open to help

 Terri Huwel is a mother of nine children. She says it wasn't always easy.  

“I have eight sons and one daughter,” said Huwel. “We had some hard times. My husband lost his job at one point, but we always kept our trust in God."

It’s part of the reason she became the director at the pregnancy center inside of Old Saint Mary’s Church in Cincinnati. 

“I’m not doing it for the money, I’m doing it for the babies and for the moms, and that’s why I’m here," Huwel said.

She, along with several volunteers at the center, packs up clothes and baby supplies for pregnant moms and counsel some who have nowhere else to turn.

“We care about every single one of them that come in, we believe for every life that’s saved, it’s worth it,” said Huwel.

She says since the Roe versus Wade decision was overturned,  eliminating the constitutional right to an abortion, the amount of people they help here has stayed the same, but she says they’re ready to help more.

“We will be here for them," Huwel said. "It could increase our numbers, but we think it’s just as important to help people now as it was before."