OHIO — Women investors are breaking new barriers and setting new financial boundaries.

A recent study by Fidelity Investments says women between ages 18-35 are starting to invest much earlier than previous generations. The study says that this age group is putting money into investment accounts nearly one decade earlier than women over 36.

What You Need To Know

  • Women between the ages of 18-35 are starting to invest much earlier than previous generations
  • Women are investing early, with small amounts, but with purpose
  • A higher portion of their investments are being directed towards environmental, social, or governance products
  • Lorna Kapusta, from Fidelity Investments says there are many resources to help even more women start to invest

Lorna Kapusta, head of women investors & customer engagement with Fidelity Investments, says the pandemic has been a catalyst for all women to make finances a priority.

“Young women are leading the charge. Fifty percent reported that they either have invested over the last six months or in the next six months plan to do so. And when they were doing it, they are doing it in a very intentional way," Kapusta says. “They're starting early. They are starting with small amounts and they're investing with purpose.”

Kapusta says that means investing with a focus on what can help women achieve their desired lifestyle. But it also means they are putting causes they believe in, front and center.

“In fact, according to Fidelity data, we looked at women's portfolios overall, and we saw that a higher portion of their investments are being directed towards environmental, social, or governance products”, Kapusta added.  “So we're getting this double benefit of the potential for growth, combined with greater good or having their money work, which is good news.”

What does this mean for women? This generation is stepping forward and taking action and Kapusta said that historically, women have not invested as much as their male counterpart, but now more women are able to grow their money to the greatest potential.

“It really comes down to really creating additional opportunity for women to take charge as they are in careers and leadership very much now with their money," Kapusta said.

What to do if you haven’t started investing?

Kapusta says the process doesn’t need to be complex.

“One of the things that we recommend is to take advantage of available resources," Kapusta said.

Companies like Fidelity can provide support and resources to help educate women. Fidelity is holding several events for Women’s History Month available to anyone to cover money topics. Career and modality experts, as well as external guests, will share their stories.