Thousands of Ohioans trace their roots to Ukraine, especially a large population in northeast Ohio, and many of the largest supporting voices for Ukraine in Washington, D.C. represent Ohio in Congress.

Curtis Jackson speaks with Steven Miner, a history professor at Ohio University, to take an in-depth and intimate look into Russia and its often tumultuous history with Ukraine. Miner talks at length about what makes Ukraine unique in eastern Europe and why Russia has found it to be virtually irresistible during the past centuries. The discussion highlights complicated topography, geopolitics and war.

About the Podcast

Our political system can feel like a complicated and gridlocked machine that we have little ability to influence. The truth is, you CAN change things when you know how. Enter Spectrum News 1 Anchor Curtis Jackson, who brings to the table decades of experience covering political news and events. Join him for meaningful conversations with decision-makers that will give you the tools you need to make your voice heard on the most important issues we face in Ohio.

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