DAYTON, Ohio — New leadership is taking office in Dayton, as the city’s new mayor and city commissioners are sworn in — starting a new era in the Gem City.  

What You Need To Know

  • Jeffrey J. Mims Jr. has been sworn in as mayor of Dayton

  • Mims takes over after Nan Whaley led Dayton for the past 8 years

  • Darryl Fairchild and Shenise Turner-Sloss were also sworn in as city commissioners 

  • Both new commissioners said they are honored and ready to help lead Dayton into a new era

With his immediate family surrounding him, Jeffrey J. Mims Jr. is sworn in as Dayton’s new mayor, marking a new era of leadership for the city, but also a special moment for Mims.

“It’s hard to express in terms of words,” Mims Jr. said. “Being in this community all my life and having so many people come out to support me is reassuring that we’re moving in the right direction.” 

But Mims wasn’t the only new leader to be welcomed to position. Shenise Turner-Sloss and Darryl Fairchild were both welcomed as city commissioners. 

Turner-Sloss said as a native Daytonian, and seventh-ever female commissioner, this is a dream come true.

“To now serve my community, it means a great deal,” Turner-Sloss said. “I just look forward to doing the work. Not only that I think this is an opportunity to create that new pipeline of leadership in the city of Dayton.” 

Mims Jr. said there are many things on his to-do list, but one of the top priorities is making sure people stay safe during the pandemic, because the omicron variant continues to spread across the country.

“Get your shots,” Mims said. “I’m going to ask all the citizens in Dayton, and around this community, to follow the experts. Follow the health experts in terms of the recommendations that they make to keep you and your family safe.” 

Increasing community and police relations is another top priority for the new mayor, and addressing poverty is a top issue for the city commissioners.