CLEVELAND — A northeast Ohio sculptor is busy these days creating works of art from scrap metal across the state.

What You Need To Know

  • Mike Ensminger is the owner of Iron Image Design

  • He has designed sculptures for The International Expo Center in Cleveland

  • Ensminger attended welding school at Lorain Community College

When you see the sparks flying at Mike Ensminger's workshop, you know he’s creating something special.

“I’m good at shooting sparks so this is what I’m doing,” said Ensminger, owner of Iron Image Design.

Ensminger decided to turn his passion for sculpting into a career.

“I take a pile of rusty, useless scrap metal and make it into something beautiful just like the lord took me, a useless crazy guy, and made me into something useful,” he said.

Ensminger wanted more out of life after finishing welding school so he took a chance on himself.

“I started to step away from my maintenance position and actually took the plunge and started my own business six years ago, and that led me to all types of different clients. It’s been exciting,” said Ensminger. 

The 41 year old was commissioned to create a piece for the Elyria public library, and he's now finishing that sculpture.

“Five sculptures going in for the city of Elyria all over different recreation centers, a potential amphitheater, the library downtown. I’m doing that really big sculpture for them and it’s almost done. I have two more books,” he said.

Ensminger believes most people don't see the potential beauty in discarded metal.

“Everything is made from scrap metal. A lot of things that I will pick up from the scrap yard and bring home clean them off chop them up, it’s funny how my mind works and I can see things that will work,” said Ensminger.