CLEVELAND — Primary care physician Dr. Gregory Hall said his patients often ask him this question: What vitamins they should take? He said that depends on many things including race — a factor that he said isn’t always at the forefront of multivitamin creation, but should be because of the differences in health and disease outcomes among races. 


What You Need To Know

  • Dr. Gregory Hall has used research and population data, to create a custom multivitamin to address the unique vitamin and mineral deficiencies in African Americans

  • He said African Americans can significantly benefit from taking more of certain vitamins

  • Hall is also a creating multi vitamin formulas for Latin, Asian, and white populations


“The disparities are stark. African Americans have the worst outcomes in cancer, lung cancer, breast cancer, colon cancer (and) have the worst outcomes for cardiovascular disease," Hall said.

Most of Hall's patients are African American. After conducting extensive research, he created a multivitamin specifically for African Americans and their health needs. 

“If you have a population that particularly has bad outcomes like African Americans, design a vitamin that has significantly more of what they need," Hall said. 

Hall’s Sequence Multivitamin collection has personalized formulas for African American men and women. He said African Americans can significantly benefit from taking more of certain vitamins.

“Vitamin D deficiency is significant in African Americans — 80% of African Americans have a vitamin deficiency. They need more vitamin C. They need more folate. Lack of folate can cause premature dementia and cause infant mortality issues," Hall said.

But he left out other vitamins and minerals behind that he considers harmful, such as vitamin E and selenium that he said can contribute to higher instances of lung cancer.

“My patients are taking multivitamins all the time, and they have vitamin E, and the multivitamin they're getting mega dose. More this, more of that, as if more of everything is better," Hall says.

Hall is also a creating multi vitamin formulas for Latin, Asian, and white populations. 

“It was important to start a vitamin with a group that has the absolute worst outcomes. I’ve been hearing about health disparities my entire career, and frankly, I’m tired. Tired of hearing about it. I’m tired of talking about it. Let's do something about it. Do something to narrow it somewhat," Hall said. 

You can find out more information on sequence multivitamin and minerals by clicking here.