CLEVELAND — Hospitals across the state are now getting much needed relief from the Federal Emergency Management Agency to help with COVID-19 costs.
FEMA announced the federal funding will reimburse hospitals for the costs endured expanding facilities to treat COVID-19 patients.
The Cleveland Clinic received the most at just more than $54 million.
"The grant to the Cleveland Clinic Foundation is going to provide reimbursement to the foundation for eligible expenses including acquisition of personal protective equipment, modification of their facilities to serve COVID-19 patients, as well as reimbursement for other eligible COVID-19 related expenses," said Dan Shulman, acting director of external affairs for FEMA Region 5.
University Hospitals also received around $10 million, Pro Medica received around $5 million, and Ohio Health received $3 million dollars. Nationwide Children's Hospital received $2 million.
"The sad part about this is obviously the big systems like the Cleveland Clinic have been hit really hard by COVID and consequently, you know, the idea of reimbursing them for at least part of their in effect losses because of it I think is appropriate. The challenge is the smaller hospitals and specifically those in rural areas are probably the ones most challenged by COVID," said Thomas Campanella the healthcare executive in residence at Baldwin Wallace University.
Each hospital had to submit an application for the funds for up to a 75 percent reimbursement.