ORLANDO, Fla. — Mo Bamba, the Orlando Magic’s 7-foot center, emerged Tuesday with a big message: vote.

“The message is not who to vote for,” he said. “The message is to vote.”

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Bamba and Magic Coach Steve Clifford teamed up to deliver that message during a National Voter Registration Day event at the Amway Center on Tuesday.

The Magic stood among businesses, organizations and other major sports teams to urge political participation amid calls for societal change. The NBA has become a force in the #BlackLivesMatter movement ever since the May death of George Floyd.

“I think a lot of people are upset about what’s going on, and I feel like voting is the (spark) for change,” Bamba said.

The Orange County Supervisor of Elections office set up tables and staff at the Amway Center in downtown Orlando to register voters. But few had shown up to register midway through Tuesday’s four-hour event.

Supervisor of Elections Bill Cowles attributed that partly to the coronavirus pandemic.

“We’re also in the middle of a workweek and we’re in downtown, so it’s been rather limited,” he said.

He emphasized that Orange County residents have until October 5 to register for the November 3 election. Voter registration this year mirrored that of previous years until the pandemic slowed it down, he said.

Cowles and others pointed out that Amway Center will serve as an early voting site, from October 19 through November 1.

Clifford emphasized that change “starts with getting the right people in charge.”

“Not just nationally. It’s statewide. It’s locally,” he said. “I think we have to educate ourselves on local politicians so that you know every local office. Who are the best people for you… and what do they stand for?”

Bamba, 22, said he stands for getting the word out. He will vote in November for the first time, he said.

“I’m doing as much as possible and being there for somebody who was in my position four years ago,” he said.