AKRON, Ohio — Food is a universal language, and one community in northeast Ohio is taking advantage of the wide range of backgrounds in its community.

What You Need To Know

  • The North Akron Community Development Corporation is offering space for local food entrepreneurs

  • The North Akron CDC takes away all risks by providing food, kitchen and space to work out of for the weekend

  • Food entrepreneurs are able to gain experience and get name out in community for their own business

  • The people taking part in the pop-up restaurant bring home profit from their sales on designated weekend

The North Akron Community Development Corporation is lending a hand to local food entrepreneurs with its pop-up restaurant.

"North Hill is one of the most diverse places in northeast Ohio," said North Akron CDC Operating Director Justin Chenault.

With the diversity at the community's core, the North Akron CDC knew it wanted to showcase those roots.

"We have this cuisine and all these different cultures that their restaurants aren't represented," said Chenault. "We wanted to find a way to not only share the cuisine but to empower them and show them that their food has value in our community."

The North Akron CDC provides the kitchen, the food, the help, and a weekend where the food entrepreneurs can sell their cuisine. "What we're able to do is take away all the risks," said Chenault. "They don't have the overhead, they don't have to renovate a space, they don't have to buy kitchen equipment. They're able to come into our kitchen, not worry about any of their food costs and we are able to take on that load for them."

One of the people taking advantage of this opportunity is Samantha Byake.

Byake was born in Congo and raised in Uganda. She is relatively new to Akron and she's serving up some of her native dishes this weekend.

"They will taste our fish, tilapia, cooked by Congolese chef, tapioca, and a lot more," said Byake. "They'll taste a variety of plantains and African dishes."

Taking advantage of these dishes means a lot to these foodies.

"I'm new in Akron," said Byake. "So, it shows that I'm considered and loved. If someone wants to taste what I eat, meaning you want to know more about me. It means you are welcomed in that area."

To see who is occupying the restaurant and order dishes visit northakroncdc.org/nohi. Hours of operation vary. For more information on this project and others visit northakroncdc.org.