CLEVELAND, Ohio — We’ve all been cooped up inside for a while — advised to not travel across state lines — leaving many people eager for a break.
What You Need To Know
- The Lodge at Geneva-on-the-Lake offers people a mini vacation, without having to cross state borders
- The wine tours have resumed — offering three tours — the Signature, the Premium and the Deluxe
- The tours and The Lodge have increased cleaning and sanitation processes
- For more information, visit
Well, how about an “in-state" vacation?
“It’s a getaway right here in Ohio, right in your backyard,” said Lauren Fiala, wine specialist at the Lodge at Geneva-on-the-Lake.
The Lodge at Geneva-on-the-Lake has re-opened and also resumed its wine tours through Ohio’s wine country — allowing staycationers to breathe out the stressors of life, and breathe in fresh air.
“Oh, that’s the best thing about it. Everything’s outdoors,” said tourist Sue Spain, from Courtland, Ohio.
The Lodge offers three types of tours, the Signature, the Premium and the Deluxe. All tourists visit three or four wineries depending on their selection.
“By the end, it feels lighter, it feels different, like there isn’t a pandemic going on,” Fiala said. “Even though we all have to wear masks, everybody’s been really great about it. This gives us something to do that’s positive.”
The tours have been updated to accommodate COVID-19 — shuttles operating at a capacity of eight guests instead of 14 and undergoing a deep sanitation and cleaning process in between each stop.
Vacationers can always turn their day trip into a weekend getaway at The Lodge. There are plenty of places outside to explore and relax.
Surrounded by the beautiful scenery of Lake Erie, Lauren said wine tour or not, tourists at Geneva-on-the-Lake are bound to have a great experience.
“I mean we have one of the most fantastic views I would say on Lake Erie. So even if all you’re doing is just staying here, enjoying the pool, and the lake itself, I mean the wineries are a bonus I think,” said Fiala.
General manager of The Lodge at Geneva-on-the-Lake, Charlene Horgan, said the lake for her is an escape.
“I used to come out here at lunch time just to get away from the phones and the computers, and the lake just has that calming effect,” Horgans said.

With so much to do and explore, The Lodge at Geneva-on-the-Lake is known to be a hidden treasure right in the heart of Ohio — allowing people to get offline, and go outside.
Youngstown resident and tourist Brenda Dickson added that she feels safe from COVID-19 because everything is outside.
“We can relax and enjoy nature, the vineyards, and feel safe, which is very important because right now so many people don’t feel safe,” said Dickson.
For more information on how to visit The Lodge, go to