CINCINNATI, Ohio—A lot of things have been put on hold the last few months. But for over 300  people in Southwest Ohio, they took the oath to become U.S citizens this week. 

What You Need To Know

  • Because of social distancing guidelines, the naturalization ceremony could not be held at the courthouse

  • 300 people were sworn in as U.S citizens at the drive-in movie theater

  • Alfred Sunkwa says he's been dreaming of this day his entire life

​Big life events look a little different these days and that includes becoming a U.S. citizen. 300 people are being naturalized here at a drive in movie theater.

It’s a big day for all of these people sitting in their cars. That’s because of months and even years of hard work, they’re becoming U.S Citizens. But instead of taking the oath in a courtroom, they’re doing it at a drive-in movie theater to follow guidelines for social distancing. 

For Alfred Sunkwa, that doesn’t take away from something he’s been dreaming of his entire life.

“I’m just excited to become a U.S citizen for all of the opportunities here," Sunkwa said. "To become a citizen of the United States is a big opportunity.”

Sunkwa joined the U.S Navy almost two years ago, fighting for a country he wasn’t even a citizen of yet. But he says that sacrifice allowed him to eventually get to this day.

“I just like the United States," he said. "I had the opportunity to come here and then my mission of coming here is to join the United State military the Navy, the military to serve the country. I love the country so much.”

“He’s one of those ones that’s the tenacious attempt to go after what he wants," Jonathan Fertig Sunkwa's commanding officer said. "And today is a very good indication that he’s out to get what he deserves and I’m very proud that he’s becoming an American citizen today.”

Sunkwa is from Ghana and has no family close by. So when his commanding officer found out, he knew he had to support him.

“Knowing that he didn’t have family here, to me it was very important as far as to show support," Fertig said. "You don’t have to be biological to be family.”

So Sunkwa along with over a hundred others took the oath of American citizenship to seal the deal.

“It's very emotional to me because I’ve been trying so hard to become a U.S citizen and then I faced training for the U.S. Navy and I gained the opportunity to become a U.S. citizen as soon as possible," Sunkwa said. "So I’m so, so happy.”

And on his way out, in his car, waving an American flag, he was handed the official documentation to finally becoming an American citizen.

“My dreams come true," Sunkwa said. "My dream come true.”

Alfred says being a U.S. citizen means he gets to climb the ranks of the U.S Navy. And that’ll start when he’s deployed later next month.