A push to extend a grace period for a new program that catches vehicles speeding through school zones in Buffalo will not be approved by Mayor Byron Brown.

At first when you hear a program is supposed to help students stay safe outside of the classroom, it sounds positive. But a program aimed to accomplish just that has raised a lot of concern.

For about a month now you may have seen new speed cameras in Buffalo. They capture images of vehicles exceeding speed limits of 26 miles per hour, which leads to violations being issued to drivers.

Currently the program is in a grace period, where speeders receive a warning in the mail.

Some believe the signage in these areas is not visible enough and that the program is only a money-grab.

Mayor Brown denied that claim, saying that during a month-long warning period, cameras reported about 10,000 vehicles speeding through the zones on any given day, with 40 percent of those drivers not a Buffalo resident.

In response to public concern, flashing beacons are being added to the speed areas to make drivers aware of those zones.

Once those are installed, the city will begin to issue violations to those who break the law.

While drivers asked for the ongoing grace period to be extended, Mayor Brown is adamant that action must be taken now to ensure the safety of children.

“Delaying implementation will only increase the chances of a child being injured or worse, by a motorist speeding around their school,” said Brown.

Speed areas are located at:

  • 1087 Jefferson Avenue at the Makowski School
  • 1132 Jefferson Avenue southbound at the Makowski School
  • 1177 Delaware Avenue northbound at Canisius School
  • 1236 Delaware Avenue southbound at Canisius School
  • 1463 Elmwood Avenue northbound at McKinley School
  • 255 South Elmwood Avenue northbound at Hutchison School
  • 267 Porter Avenue northbound at Porter/DaVinci
  • 295 Suffolk Street northbound at Olmstead School
  • 302 Suffolk Street southbound at Olmstead School
  • 311 Military Road northbound at West Hertel/Grabiarz
  • 522 Military Road at Grabiarz School
  • 3125 Bailey Avenue northbound at Westminster School
  • 3130 Bailey Avenue southbound at Westminster School
  • 694 Kensington Avenue westbound at Eve School