COLUMBUS, Ohio — For Christine Swinford, a routine mammogram became anything but routine. 

  • Susan G. Komen Columbus is providing Comfort Boxes to those who are undergoing cancer treatment
  • The boxes contain essential oils, fuzzy socks and other items that bring a smile and aid in treatment
  • Anyone can request a Comfort Box for a friend or family member undergoing breast cancer treatment

“I was diagnosed on December 10, 2018. Sure enough, I had stage 1 invasive ductal carcinoma,” said Swinford.

She began treatment at Mercy Health Springfield Cancer Center, where she met breast health navigator Tracy Adrian.

“Tracy walked in the door and gave me a huge smile, and with her reassuring presence and a great big hug, she said, ‘I’m your breast health navigator and I will be with you every step of this journey,’” said Swinford. “And she has been here for me every step of this journey. And that means a lot when your frightened… just for someone to come in with a huge smile and a great big hug. I can’t tell you how much that meant to me.”

Adrian reached out to Susan G. Komen Columbus, requesting a Comfort Box on Christine’s behalf.

It’s a box of goodies, hoping to spark a smile. 

“A lot of our items are donated. If they’re not donated, we use some of our funds, but we like to put our money back into the community,” said Rashelle Ghanem, programs manager, Susan G. Komen Columbus. “So, right now we’ve been helping a woman, her name is Michelle Faith, she has this entire line of essential oils, balms, linen sprays, and so, we like to put our money to products she makes just because we like to support women that have gone through breast cancer.”

Many of these items help with treatment.

“So, we’ll have fuzzy socks to keep them warm, cuticle oil if their finger nails start getting brittle, we have some essential oils in case they start getting hot or just want to relax…things like that,” said Ghanem.

“Well, its very nice to have it arrive because it means more than just the items in the box. It means I’m still thinking of you, we support you. We are here for you,” said Swinford.

Adrian says she sees the impact, with each and every box. 

“I am humbled daily by these survivors that we have,” said Adrian.

And now, Swinford is proud to be a survivor.

“If God takes me tomorrow, I’m still a survivor,” said Swinford.

Her battle, she now calls a gift. 

“It’s given me great perspective,” said Swinford. “I was always a grateful person, I believe, but before it would be, oh I have to take my children to school today, now it’s, oh, I get to take my children to school today…it’s a great blessing." 

Anyone can request a Comfort Box for a friend or family member undergoing breast cancer treatment. You don't have to be a health care professional.

You can request one here.