WESTERVILLE, Ohio– More than one hundred people from students, faculty, and the community came to Otterbein University's debate watch party. 

As you can imagine, many came looking for clear cut answers on hot button issues like the wealth tax, gun control, healthcare, and student debt during last night's debate. Some got what they wanted. Some were frustrated. Others were surprised but in a good way.

  • Healthcare, Gun Control, and Women's Reproductive Rights hit home for many
  • Students want to hear plans that are flushed out in detail
  • Voters want the field narrowed down quickly

Many sat in their seats with anticipation. Cheers and claps filled much of the first hour because of the energy on stage; But when healthcare came up, frustration set in for some like Roitristan Catanghal, a sophomore at Otterbein University. "Warren is talking about, okay, we're gonna have medicare for all. And you know they're jumping in and saying okay yeah we're gonna do the same thing. And then Warren gets attacked saying well, what's your plan? She dodges the question and doesn't say what the plan is, but the problem is they do the same thing, they don't say what their plan is." Others felt the same when it came to reactions on gun control, questions asked, candidates challenged, but no full, real answers.

Those like Associate Provost and Professor Jeff Ankrom, who were looking to see what candidates had to say about the wealth tax, were surprised. Ankrom says he even warmed up to Andrew Yang as he felt Yang nailed the question. "He pointed out that wealth, first of all, is a very difficult thing to measure, is a difficult tax base to assess and then applying a tax rate and then accounting for the dynamic behavior of people in reaction to a wealth tax."

But perhaps one of the biggest issues of the night that came front and center and received the most applause was women's reproductive rights. Cory booker's response impressed recent graduate Luz Labra-Hernandez. "I think it's a lot of injustice occurring with women right now." "I think that it is a huge issue not just for women but everyone who thinks that there are equal rights between men and women."

After some discussion, it could be said that Joe Biden didn't seem to fare so well among students. Even professors like Akrom noticed it. He said, "They're just not very warmed up to him. Every time he makes the smallest slip of the tongue, they're all over it. While some believe warren held her ground, the one who stood out the most was Buttigieg. Some believe he has very realistic and feasible goals. 

While some believe this debate was one of the best so far, many are hoping the filed narrows down quickly as they believe there are still too many candidates to make a good choice.