Franklin Park Conservatory in Columbus is decked out for the holidays, and they say their Conservatory Aglow event is bigger and brighter than ever. Large tree shaped pointsettia displays, a model train set, glass blown Christmas trees and the annual Gingerbread competition are some of the attractions unique to the Conservatory. 

This year's display features lights inside and out of the main Conservatory building. The newly-launched Children's Garden has a rainbow walkway leading to lighted flamingos, glowing trees including a specially-designed "Whirly Tree" and lighted orbs in the rain garden. 

The Conservatory holds two Gingerbread competitions, one for professionals and the other for hobbyists. The hobbyist competition runs through January 2 and visitors can vote on the Best of Show entry from the variety of gingerbread structures. 

"There are a lot of places to see lights so we want them to see something they can only see at the conservatory," says Exhibitions Associate for Franklin Park Conservatory Colin Matsumoto. "We always like to do new and different things but we also find that families come back for the traditions, they value those at home and at the conservatory. So it's something that we have to keep doing because people love it so much."

Vistors can see the lights, holiday plant life and gingerbread contest entries through January 2nd. Admission is $11 for children 2-13, $15 for seniors 60 and older, and $18  for general admission. And, on Dec. 29, visitors can see the lights for free thanks to a grant from the Columbus Foundation.