With sports betting now legal in Ohio, Mike Kallmeyer sat down with a member of the Ohio Casino Control Commission, Jessica Franks, to get an update on how the state is doing.

"Ohioans really like their sports," she told Kallmeyer. A handful of entities were fined for violating protocol in the first few months of sports betting. Franks described the two rules that the entities violated and what the reprecussions were.

The Ohio Casino Control Commission is also responsible for licensing companies for sports betting.

"I can say from about August through December up until we launched, our commission processed about 4,000 licenses," she said. When the commission launched sports betting in Ohio, they had licensed 16 mobile sports betting operators and 12 in-person retail locations. Franks also described what the commission is doing to help keep Ohioans safe from gambling addiction as sports betting becomes more accessible.