Mike Kallmeyer visits with Lt. Gen. Michael Ferriter, President and CEO of the National Veterans Memorial and Museum.

"We're very different than many museums. This is a storyteller museum,” Ferriter said. “There are 14 thematic alcoves. It puts [visitors] in a place where they've sort of been before. The alcoves talk about the nation, why I joined the service, or leaving home, or taking the Oath of Office, or basic training.

“As veterans come in, groups of veterans or with their families, it takes them back to those memories, very emotional memories and they hear firsthand from some 25 veterans who tell their stories of basic training. What we see is that the grandads turn to grandkids and saying things that the mom has never heard. They've kept it pent-up for many years and private about their experiences and it really allows them to open up and share their life with the people that they love."