Utility bills could be adding to the issues that are impacting the finances of many New Yorkers.

Officials say if your bill is higher, it's likely because of two things — supply and weather.

Electric and gas company officials say they are starting to receive customer calls asking why exactly is their bill so high. Utility companies such as RG&E and NYSEG are looking to answer those questions.

Company officials responded to customer calls asking why bills have become so costly, saying it's been colder this year than in the past, so furnaces and water heaters have to work harder, using more energy.

Costs for supply are also higher, but there is help out there for people struggling with higher than normal bills.

"There are different programs [and] appliances that customers can use to make sure that they are Energy Star-related or efficient, more efficient for their home," said Alexis Arnold, communications manager for RG&E-NYSEG. "So we have a number of programs that our customers can take advantage of, but we also have a number of programs to help customers manage their monthly energy costs."

These companies say they are only responsible for the cost associated with the delivery of gas and electric to their customers. They say those rates have not increased this winter.