The Centers For Disease Control and Prevention continues to respond to Avian Influenza, or bird flu, across the United States.
Earlier this month the CDC confirmed three human cases in Nevada, Wyoming and Ohio in Mercer County.
All are considered "higher risk" exposures.
“Things have come to a real quiet right now, at least for the moment, crossing our fingers,” Mercer County Health District Administrator Michelle Kimmel said.
Last week, Mercer County Health District began distributing PPE to the farming community. N95 masks, gowns, gloves and face shields that were left over from the COVID-19 pandemic are still available.
Kimmel said the person infected is recovering and after a 10-day monitoring period, the case can be considered closed.
“The case is recovering real well, the human case, and we’re kind of in a follow-up period of monitoring, but doing a lot better,” Kimmel said.
According to the CDC, the poultry worker was exposed to infected commercial poultry.
Kimmel says the worker infected was considered Tier Two, meaning he came into direct contact with an infected flock while still wearing proper protective gear.