COLUMBUS, Ohio — It’s not easy staying warm in these bitter temperatures. 

That’s why a lot of people are turning to warming centers, shelters and even libraries to escape the cold.

What You Need To Know

  • People turn to warming centers, shelters and even libraries to escape the cold in the winter months

  • Many of the Columbus Metropolitan Library locations are used as a warming center

  • Columbus Metropolitan Library offers a variety of resources for people

Ron Harrington likes reading and dabbling on the computers at the library, but it also keeps him out of the house and away from the cold.

“You can get up and look through stuff without shivering,” he said.

And Harrington’s not alone. 

John Tetzloff, manager at the Hilltop Branch of the Columbus Metropolitan Library, and he says a lot of their customers are in need of a place to stay warm. 

“When we first opened in the morning,” he said. “There were people just standing at the door. Can’t wait to get in and try to get into some warm air. A certain percentage of our customers are unhoused. So, they’re especially looking to try to find a place to get in and out of the cold.”

That’s why Tetzloff said it’s important they keep their doors open when it’s this cold. 

“It’s not just that you’re getting out of the cold. You’re getting out of the cold and having something to do,” he said. “You can read a book, you can get on a computer, you can connect to the Wi-Fi, you can charge your phone, sit in comfortable furniture and just, you know, we try to make it home in a nice place for people to hang out.”

It’s making the cold days for Harrington not so bad.

“That weather is lethal,” Harrington said. “I am relieved I am in here instead of freezing out there.”