COLUMBUS, Ohio — Diligently working to make a difference, Sawaun Blakely turned his pain into his passion and is walking with a purpose.

What You Need To Know

  • According to the Ohio Department of Public Health, Franklin County has more people living with HIV than any other county in Ohio

  • The AIDS Walk is an event meant to raise money and awareness around HIV and AIDS and also to debunk stereotypes surrounding the viruses

  • The AIDS Walk is Saturday, April 20, at Genoa Park

“I'm walking for myself, someone who is living with HIV. And then I'm also walking for some peers and some friends and some family members who have died from complications due to AIDS,” Blakely said. 

Advocating for himself and others after being diagnosed with the virus in 2006, Blakely is now in his fifth year as part of the AIDS walk. He first served as a volunteer. He now serves as a volunteer manager and the walk's emcee.

“I get all the volunteers a part, and this year we are fully staffed with volunteers," he said. "So shout out to all our volunteers this year. So I'm excited for that."

Preparing for the AIDS Walk is a year-round job, but Blakely does it to break stigmas surroundings HIV and AIDS.

“I hope that people gain that taking charge of your health is important and that together we can break that stigma," he said, "when it comes to HIV and getting tested and knowing your status so you can live a long, healthy life."

Blakely’s inspiration is his mother. Before she died three years ago, Blakely said she made it a point to be actively involved in her community. It is something he has taken to heart since her death.

“I became an advocate for myself, and I took charge of my health when my mother died in 2021," he said. "She was big in community engagement and outreach."

As for the walk, Blakely said he hopes it will be a chance to not only raise money and awareness but have some fun as well.

“We have Miss Jujubee from RuPaul's Drag Race," he said. "We have Black Pearls dance troop that came last year, and they're coming back with a dance presentation."