OHIO — On Wednesday, the Ohio Senate voted to override Governor Mike DeWine’s veto of legislation banning gender-affirming care for minors. 

What You Need To Know

  • The Senate voted to override Governor Mike DeWine's veto of HB68 on Wednesday 

  • HB68 bans gender-transition care for minors 

  • DeWine thought the state shouldn’t interfere with what parents thought was best for their children

The legislation also restricts transgender women’s and girls’ participation on sports teams. The Senate’s vote came two weeks after the House also voted to override the Governor’s veto.

Earlier this month the governor vetoed HB 68, claiming the state shouldn’t interfere with what parent’s thought was best for their children. But he said he was willing to work on revisions to the bill to satisfy both himself and lawmakers.

And while he was personally against gender transition surgeries for children and adults, he wanted to gather more information from hospitals and put a stop to pop up clinics. On Wednesday, the Senate overrode HB68 with a 24-8 vote. It’s a decision that Governor DeWine said he wish they would have put more consideration into.

“Nobody will love that child more than their parent,” said DeWine. “And these are parents who are making decisions based on the best medical advice that they could get. And for the state to come in and say, we know more government knows more. Columbus knows more in this area. To me, this was the wrong way to go.”

With both chambers passing the override, the bill has been delivered to the secretary of state’s office, and barring legal challenges, will go into effect by the end of April.