CLEVELAND — Many people commit to exercising more for their New Year’s resolution. Ricky Buoncore sees it every year.

What You Need To Know

  • Exercise is a popular New Year's resolution

  • Personal Trainer Ricky Buoncore sees the trend every year

  • Alternatives to exercising inside of a gym exist

“I think it’s a popular New Year’s resolution because people get through the holidays, they’ve been maybe not living the most healthy lifestyle and the new year is just a nice starting point to make some better habits,” Buoncore said.

Buoncore helps new and regular gym members reach their health goals as a personal trainer at Tremont Athletic Club. He says it can be difficult for people of all fitness levels to keep their resolution to work out more.

“I think changing any habit is tough and when you’re starting from square one, it seems like a really daunting task,” Buoncore said.

Buoncore has been a trainer for 11 years and he’s sharing his tips to help people stick to their goals. 

“I think accountability is number one. So, whether that’s finding a workout buddy, a class that you like to go to, or even a personal trainer that can help keep you on track,” Buoncore added.

With the increase of gym members around the new year and the continued spread of COVID-19, some people may not feel comfortable exercising inside of a gym. However, Buoncore suggests making changes, not excuses.

“There’s a lot of body weight exercises you can do at home with no equipment and there’s some great classes available on YouTube or other streaming platforms that you can do at little or no cost,” Buoncore said.

If you’re interested in kickstarting your resolution to exercise more at Tremont Athletic Club, please visit their website