Mike discusses the grisly case of Takoda Collins and what should be done to address child abuse cases, and how cases are reported in Ohio.

"We're going to mandate that [Memoranda of Understanding] is reviewed annually. [...] We have MOUs in place, but they get put on the shelf and get stored away, but they're not utilized. It's not a working document,” Rep. Phil Plummer said. “One of the key components of this also is that, you have many mandatory reporters, school teachers, doctors. We have had many complaints from doctors that, you know, 'we report these complaints cases to children's services and we never get a follow-up.' We're also mandating a follow-up from children's services to the mandatory reporters to say, 'hey, we've investigated this crime, we've closed it out,' just give the mandatory reporter some information that somebody's looking into this.”

To report child abuse in Ohio, click here.