With many gyms and studios closed due to COVID-19, many of us are likely to head outside to get our workouts in. 

What You Need To Know

  • Dressing in layers is key to outdoor workouts in the cold

  • Hydration is still important

  • Watch out for slick surfaces

  • Warm up before your workout

Whether it's walking, running, or cycling, an outdoor workout can have huge benefits, not only physical, but also mental. Being outdoors and getting some fresh air while getting your blood pumping can elevate moods during a stressful time.

In the summer, it's pretty easy to just grab your keys and head out for a quick jog. Winter weather exercise takes a bit more prep work. Here's a quick list of the do's and don'ts of winter weather workouts.


Warm up first

Make sure your muscles are loose and warm before heading out. Many coaches now recommend more dynamic warm-ups as opposed to static stretching before a workout. Arm circles or lunges are a couple of good options.

Dress in layers

Nothing is more annoying during a workout than being too cold without your coat, and too warm with it on. Dressing in layers is important.

Start with a base layer, like a compression shirt or long sleeved t-shirt. As temperatures fall further, a hoodie or running jacket on top will provide a bit more insulation.

In very cold temperatures, tights under a pair of running pants might be necessary, in addition to a third layer underneath your jacket. Keep in mind that even during cold weather, you'll still sweat, so moisture-wicking layers are important. 

Be careful of slick surfaces

Once the snow starts falling, slick spots are a big concern. Icy roads and sidewalks can easily lead to sprains and fractures. If wintry precip has recently fallen, try and keep workouts to the daytime, if possible.

Also, make sure your shoes have good traction. If icy conditions are forecast, it's probably best to keep the workout indoors for the time being. 


Forget your hands, ears, and feet

Fingers and ears are particularly susceptible to being too cold at best, and frostbite at worst. By the time temperatures drop into the 30s, a hat and gloves are a good idea. In the 20s, it may be time to also add a neck gaiter or balaclava.

Forget about the sun

Even though the sun is lower on the horizon, you shouldn't ignore it entirely. Wear sunscreen, and have sunglasses if needed. Glare can be especially bad if snow is on the ground.

Forget to hydrate

Even in cold weather, you'll still sweat. Make sure to stay hydrated before and during your workout.