PORTAGE COUNTY, Ohio — The holidays are typically a time to share with loved ones, but countless seniors across the state will spend these days alone and isolated.

What You Need To Know

  • Be a Santa to a Senior provides gifts and company to aging adults who might be isolated during the holidays
  • Community members buy gifts for the seniors in need

  • More than 300 seniors in Portage County received a gift this year

That's why Home Instead Senior Care hosts the Be a Santa to a Senior program every year across the country.

Seniors in need are nominated for the program, and then a paper bulb with their wishlist written on it is placed on a tree at a participating local business. 

Community members can then pick a bulb and shop for a senior that they have never met.

The gifts are wrapped and brought to the seniors by volunteers who also spend time visiting with them. 

Kathy Frank, a Portage County resident, has been volunteering with this program by wrapping gifts for the last two years.

“I think most of all, people need to realize how much of a need there is in the community for people who don’t have someone to watch over them,” Frank said. “We need to do more for these people who are lonely. They don’t have anybody, and if you can help a little bit to make them happy, that’s what it is all about!” 

Paula Baughman with Home Instead Senior Care said the aging adults in need often ask for necessities in their wishlists, like blankets, snacks and personal hygiene items.

“They wanted to make sure that those seniors felt loved and appreciated and valued within their communities,” Baughman said. “I think it is just something that brightens their whole day and I feel like it lasts from season to season.” 

This year, about 350 seniors in Portage County received a gift from this program.