COLUMBUS, Ohio — The Ohio State Wexner Medical Center performed a holiday health survey, and it showed Americans struggle to maintain a healthy lifestyle during the holiday season.

What You Need To Know

  • The Ohio State Wexner Medical Center performed a holiday health survey

  • A third of respondents stated they drink more alcohol during the holidays
  • In order to keep your healthy habits in check, monitor your diet, sleep, exercise and alcohol consumption

Numerous individuals in the survey admit to taking a break from exercise and more than half report feeling tired and have less time for themselves. A third stated they drink more alcohol during the holidays. 

“Holiday travel, activities with friends and family, and trying to get a bunch of things done can cause people to lose track of their healthy habits,” said Dr. Barbara Bawer, family medicine physician at Ohio State Wexner Medical Center. “If one healthy habit drops off, it can affect other areas very quickly.” 

Bawer suggested trying to stick to a normal routine to make it through the season with your habits intact.

“Once you’re out of a routine, which typically happens around the holidays, it’s really hard to get back on track partly because the motivation is no longer there,” said Bawer. 

When invitations and obligations pile up, Bawer said to remember, "it's OK to say no."

In order to keep your healthy habits in check, monitor your diet, sleep, exercise and alcohol consumption. 

This survey was conducted on behalf of The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center by SSRS.