Latonya Jackson is a professor at the University of Cincinnati, who studies aquatic toxicology. Jackson explained that she primarily researches how contaminants impact fish that live in waterways.

“Fish are being affected by everything that we are putting in the water,” she said.

Taking a closer look at Ohio, Jackson said if the EPA or other state agencies do not issue warnings about toxins, the fish in the Ohio River are generally health. Things that people put down their drains like, shampoos and personal care products are all considered a threat to the health and safety of wildlife in waterways. Moving forward Jackson said one of the best things Ohioans can do to help is recycle and reuse.

“I’m not saying switch to the alternatives because sometimes in studies it has been shown that green alternatives are sometimes even worse because this is not regulated,” she said.

Jackson said if anyone does use a green alternative make sure the label says it is safer than the original product.