Senator Ed Markey made multiple stops in Central Massachusetts Sunday.

He visited the Bean Counter Bakery Cafe in Shrewsbury, along with Congressman Jim McGovern and Senator Michael Moore. 

The group of lawmakers spoke with owner Alice Lombardi about the Paycheck Protection Program. 

The $953​ billion program was created last year to help small businesses make it through the economic crisis caused by the pandemic. 

The Bean Counter Bakery sells handmade desserts and has been around for more than 20 years with two locations in Worcester and one in Shrewsbury. 

Lombardi said she was able to use the loans to retain her employees and pay bills.

"And then when the PPP loan came, we were like: 'Is that for real? Are you sure? It can be given if we did all the paperwork? We were in tears. We were just so grateful,” she said.

"The PPP Program has helped them make it through the riskiest time that our economy has known since the Great Depression,” Sen. Markey said.  “Alice is the embodiment of that spirit, the adventure which small business people have. She's coming out on the other side, as are so many others."

Lombardi said business has been picking up at all of her locations and is hiring more employees. 

Senator Markey also joined nurses on the picket line at Saint Vincent Hospital Sunday and toured Polar Park.​