WORCESTER, Mass. - An affordable housing project in Worcester is receiving funding from the state's Department of Energy Resources to help reduce energy consumption.

The three-building project on Canterbury Street is part of Worcester Common Ground.

The corporation received $820,000 Wednesday for energy retrofits and decarbonization projects, including heat pumps, solar, insulation and new roofs and windows.

The project is expected to reduce energy consumption by 65 to 73%.

"We're really trying to make them just essentially much more efficient and comfortable for our residents,” said real estate development project manager Tim Gilbert. “At the end of the project, we will install solar PVS, or photovoltaics, with the intent, like I said, that this will just be a much more comfortable, more energy efficient, more financially healthy properties."

The money comes from the Department of Energy Resources Affordable Housing Decarbonization Grant Program.