PITTSFIELD, Mass. - About 60 to 75 sandwiches are made every other Friday by the Salvation Army team in Pittsfield.

What You Need To Know

  • Pittsfield Salvation Army hosts Lunch at the library.

  • They bring meals to the Bekrshire Atheneaum every other Friday.

  • It's open to anyone who may want a meal.

  • They station at the library from noon to one.

These sandwiches along with some fruit and snacks are brought to the Berkshire Athenaeum where they are given out to those who want or need them. 

Core officer Justin Barter has been at the Pittsfield Salvation Army for about five years and has seen the homeless population and the need for food and other items increase in his community.

“That number has steadily risen, and we’ve noticed our services have been much more needed our numbers have almost every year risen about 30% and that’s been a steady growth that we’ve observed,” said Captain Justin Barter.

Lunch at the library is open to everyone.

The Salvation Army says the location has helped bridge the gap between their organization and getting the food into people’s hands. 

“When I bring it out into the community, people are more apt to sometimes come because they don’t feel it’s not inside a building, they can kind of walk by and they don’t feel as embarrassed to come to me to get it versus coming down here,” said Pittsfield Salvation Army EDS director Rebecca Litourneau.

Pittsfield resident Thomas Conant visited the library for lunch and says the meals from the Salvation Army are the only way he makes it by.

“I really appreciate the people. I usually go down to Salvation Army to get a hot meal down there, they are very kind down there, generous,” said Conant.

“The Salvation, like I said, has been important for me for 25 years and I notice that poverty is running rampant in America,” said Russell Lehmann, who also stopped by for a sandwich.

About 55 meals were handed out at the library Friday.

“It’s one of our favorite things is to be able to serve those in our community and let them know that they are seen, that people know their name, that they know who they are so that they are not alone,” said Captain Marsha Barter with the Pittsfield Salvation Army.

Lunch at the library is every other Friday from noon to one.

The Salvation Army is always looking for volunteers and donations to help their programs.